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November 2020

…then the marriage will never work!?   True or False? This was the discussion at an early morning Pilates Reformer class this morning.  A 27 year old woman said that because the instructors ex-BF’s mother was very opinionated and controlling over their wedding plans, that a marriage would never had worked….of course, I had to add my two-cents. 🙂 The marriage absolutely can work.  BUT, only, and I emphasize ONLY, if the husband takes the side of his bride at every difficult turn AND has the talk with his Mother. The couple

Marriage, as in a personal love relationship, needs more than love, intimacy, honesty, and trust, to flow nicely through your lives together.  Marriage on a business level is a different animal and may be discussed at a later time. Detailed discussions on religious views, children and how will they be raised, boundaries with in-laws, and money and budget, are a must before taking the blissful plunge into a successful marriage. While I am not going to dive deep here, if you are about to get involved in your first or

Notice I didn’t say Thanksgiving alone…..this isn’t a get the violin out moment. People have many reasons for spending a holiday with themselves, and this doesn’t mean that you’re alone…you are with your self!  Take the day to do whatever you feel like doing.  Blast your favorite old tunes, workout, volunteer or help someone out with a task, get dressed and grab a delish bite for dinner! Don’t play the poor me victim. Everyone needs to learn to be by them selves.  Truly by them selves.   Being by your self

Remember how you met.  This is not meant as a question, but to remember the feeling of when the two of you met. When I first meet couples, I like to ask them how they met.  Smiles come to their faces and it evokes memories and those puppy love feelings, even in the emotions of more established couples.  Some have given me the first public confession of an on-line meeting. Some couples have the exact same stories, and the more competitive couples ask me which version I want first.  😉

We’ve all been there, and almost every relationship gets settled which creates predictability or #dull.  Do away with the predictability, be spontaneous, this means you married ladies, too!  Do something unpredictable after dinner, like a game of chess rather than just watching TV.  Walk down the street and share an ice cream, go bowling or to a movie, try an axe throwing bar, anything to keep your relationship engaged and active! Stimulate his brain by bringing up a topic that you normally don’t discuss.  Triggering the brain awakens the brains

Gotta laugh at the Thanksgiving family stories of that one family member that’s cra-cra and always causing tension when we’re all seated, or stuck, at the dinner table. “Pass the mashed potatoes”  is a phrase I heard years ago and it works!!  Interrupt or change the subject to shut that person up, or at least delay that family members nonsense to get a mental break! Have your own code-phrase and use it this Thanksgiving Holiday, and go ahead and pull it out as needed throughout the rest of the year.

We’re all going through some type of isolation now.  Maybe it’s working from home, cancelled sporting events (Steelers fan here!), shorter shopping trips (can’t wait to flip that mask),  lack of travel and vacations.  We’re going to have to be creative, which is why so many humans changed residences and got new Covid puppies!   The amount of truly nice people I’ve met because of Zella (dog) is incredible….#manmagnet. Single and not in a relationship?  Yikes! this is a tough one with finding a new relationship if everything is shut down

Your bored, lonely feeling may just simply be boredom if your married or in a relationship. Behave like your newly dating and you’ll be surprised by the results of your interactions with each other!  Shower, style your hair, put real clothes on…get out of those daily grubs.  Ladies, remember how you prepped for your man before he picked you up?  I’ll bet your look and smell was sweet!  Men notice, and you’ll see a difference in interaction.   Men? Yup, we’re talking you too!!  Shower and put on a shirt and dazzle

Have you recently accepted or initiated a previous date?  You know a rewind date…  person you’ve dated pre-covid and are now circling back to? Maybe it’s a great possibility because you think you didn’t give the person a fair chance or maybe you have more time with the current world wide slow down to focus on your date. If there’s any type of attraction, explore the possibilities with this person.  As always, be upfront and honest while dating.  Casual?  Companionship? Relationship? Hookup?  

Don’t act like you haven’t been there… 7 am with the bed hair Everyone knows it’s the walkashame American singer-songwriter Meghan Trainor, gotta luv her!  Early congrats to Meghan and husband Daryl Sabara on expecting their first child together. Oh my god, I put my pants on inside out I couldn’t tell cause the lights were out I beat the sunrise again, oh oh oh Neighbors stare, I smile and wave cause I just don’t care They’re probably jealous of my sexy hair And the heels in my hands Well

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