3 Day Rule? Not.

So you met someone yesterday, and BaBamm!  Where did he/she come from…out of nowhere?

You got their number, so now what?  Wait for the #3dayer?  You know the three day wait before you text or call rule, so that you look like you have a life and are really busy and so you feel importantly perfect.

Well guess what?  He/She has a life too, so get over yourself, and plan a time that you can meet before they move on because you’re looking like a playa.

Any person with their life together (value) does nor second guess anything and takes your action as you present your actions.

Here, copy and paste, or better yet a phone call:  “Hi there!  I really liked meeting you yesterday and would really like to spend some time with you to know you a little better.  Can you meet on _____  for _______?  If not, just let me know what works for you. 🙂 ”

Good luck!  You may never have this opportunity again.

Judy Sekinger
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