What’s the best way to meet the person of your dreams?   On-line dating or through a friend?

Online, you don’t know this person but with resources today you can do your due diligence.

So, your soccer mom friends know a man/woman from a different league and think you’re both nice people and should meet?  Sure, go ahead but treat this like an online date.  Eyes wide open, because your friends really don’t know this person or their working brain.  Don’t trust him/her just because your friends know this person.  Ask me how I know.

Finding something you don’t like?  Ask.  Not spending a lot of time together because you both have children or demanding career?  Think again and keep asking.  Now, be considerate about the asking…no nagging or insecurities…you’re trying to learn about your new dreamy person.  Unfortunately, now it’s business.  You’re protecting your beautiful life and everything you’ve achieved…in the most gracious way, of course.

Either way, be sure you spend quality time with this person and dig deep before you make a long term commitment.  Not only can they waste your time and money years later, but make your life a mess.  If  something feels not quite right, run don’t walk.  This is your inner gift of sense warning you that something is not quite right.

Dating should be enjoyable, fun, and saucy!

Judy Sekinger
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