Ladies, keep your legs crossed

My Parents, what we put them through as teenager’s once we were allowed to begin dating!  I have 3 siblings and we all looked alike. The only male is the oldest…lucky him….or his life would’ve been much different.   If my math is correct, there were four children in five years, and I must say we had a very fun home growing up.  When I entered high school in the Pittsburgh area, I walked down the hall as an insecure freshman, and the teachers would stop and say that I was a “Hapanowicz”.  What the heck?….that’s how much we looked alike, lol.

Let’s get to the point.  The boys (dates) would pick us up, no Ubers, yes it was a bonafide date and we were picked up in, most likely, a (parents) car.  Before we were to be picked up by our date my mother would say “keep you legs crossed”, in a sweet whisper which put a visual in my head, but I never really knew what this meant.  Yes, I’m a late bloomer.  This is just something she’d say, literally every time a boy would pick me or my sisters up, and it wasn’t until last night that I related this to my “don’t have sex with him on (at the very least) the first date” hack.

So here is my hack:  First, while you are in a sound mind, no alcohol and no emotionally vulnerable state, make a promise to your self that you are not going to sleep with your date at least the first few times out.  Don’t shave your legs or freshen up that beautiful va-jay-jay of yours.  Now guys, you’re probably thinking this is not a huge game changer, but to most of the female tribe, we are very self considerate of our bodies details and this is a good gate keeper hack, at least in the beginnings of our romps in the hay, if I can say!

Why not sleep with him on the first date, ladies?  It’s a small world, and you don’t truly know this guy, and men talk.  Sex is emotional to women and sex is sex to men.  You as a woman will have the long term disadvantage, and this is your reputation.

I love this advice that mothers have been passing down to their daughters for years, probably centuries!


Judy Sekinger
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