In a relationship do you have a ball & chain or are YOU the ball & chain?  I see this happening many, many times in a relationship.  In the beginning stages of dating, usually both people begin the relationship with an independent life and attitude.  And as time goes on, one of the two people slowly makes sacrifices in their own life to spend more time with their new partner.  What happens?  Their daily routine follows their partners schedule, and before they know it, Voila!  Now, not only do they lose a sense of their self and limit their personal capabilities, but their partner feels a heavy burden of this lovely person (you?)around them quite frequently…..feeling like a ball & chain.

What’s going to happen next?  A break-up.  Not because the couple isn’t compatible, or the timing isn’t right, but because when the two people met, what attracted them to each other has now disappeared.  If it’s not too late this can be corrected.  Change your behavior, get back to your perfectly perfect self, or have a discussion about how you’re feeling in the relationship and then change your behavior and get back to your perfectly, imperfect self!

So, take a good look at what’s happening right now in your relationship. Is there a ball & chain swinging the wrong way?  Iyou are that ball & chain, regroup your life before you not only lose your partner but this wonderful life that you’ve worked so hard for. 🙂  And hey, if you feel a ball & chain happening on the other side, have a talk with your partner and let them know how you’re feeling.  Living with tension is poison for either person. 🙂

Judy Sekinger
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