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I’ve seen this over and over again, and I was reminded again…..ugh….not in my personal life, for the record only.  One of the greatest ways to kill romance, or any chance of romance in your relationship, is to leave a mess in your home for your partner to live with and clean up after. And while I’d like to say that you are simply a slob and don’t know any better, I’m calling your B.S.  You’re an adult, get your crap together or get out. This passive aggressive move is

Remember that phrase from your younger years, and if you’re lucky enough to be blessed with children, are your kids using this phrase?  I remember the one time I was caught in a lie as a child, I let the hamster out of the cage to run around the room and voila,  he disappeared.  There weren’t any of my three siblings around, and of course they wouldn’t take the blame anyway.  Yup, caught in a lie and for me as a child this was traumatic.  I didn’t get spanked or

Run, don’t walk! Whether it’s co-workers, family members, friends, a person walking with their dog through the park, negative people’s attitude will enter your vibe and throw you off course to your greatness.  Keep your distance from these people. Look how far Forrest Gump went, he was successful because he is so pure of heart.  And boy could he run. Run don’t walk!

Rejection is really tough to take, and we’ve all been rejected at one time or another in a relationship or simply by someone we’d like to get to know. 🙂 That other person is looking for his or her match…whatever that match may be.  Yes, it’s personal, but don’t take it personally.  Be sure to ask for a sound explanation, and remember that persons expanation for refection at a later time.  You’ll see that the break-up was probably for a good reason. You have to go through the emotional shock

Gotta laugh at the Thanksgiving family stories of that one family member that’s cra-cra and always causing tension when we’re all seated, or stuck, at the dinner table. “Pass the mashed potatoes”  is a phrase I heard years ago and it works!!  Interrupt or change the subject to shut that person up, or at least delay that family members nonsense to get a mental break! Have your own code-phrase and use it this Thanksgiving Holiday, and go ahead and pull it out as needed throughout the rest of the year.

Is dating the life of the party a bad idea?  The life of the party (LOTP) always looks good physically, is exciting, and happy.  The LOTP most likely has great social skills, impresses family members well, craves social interaction with groups, and is emotionally appealing on the surface. The downside of the LOTP is that they are on full speed ahead while in public, and not many people have the energy to keep up at this pace during all their waking hours.  The LOTP is most likely more introverted at

Getting over the fantasy of dating someone takes a little bit of time, so be compassionate with yourself, and know that your assumptions about how she/he would be to date is exactly that, an assumption. It’s likely you are fantasizing about what you think dating, or marriage, would be like with this person.  Unfortunately she/he doesn’t have the same feelings that you do.  Don’t take the rejection personally.  A split is better happening sooner than later, before you have more emotions and time invested with this person. The sooner you

A great explanation via Ann Landers, without a full blown history lesson: Socialism: You have two cows.  Give one to your neighbor. Communism: You have two cows.  Give both cows to the government, and they may give you some of the milk. Fascism: You have two cows.  You give all the milk to the government, and the government sells it. Nazism: You have two cows.  The government shoots you, and takes both cows. Anarchism: You have two cows.  Keep both of the cows, shoot the government agent and steal another cow. Capitalism:

“Abuse comes in many forms, not all of which are physical. When someone repeatedly uses words to demean, frighten, or control someone, it’s considered verbal abuse.  The trouble is, when you’re involved in a verbally abusive relationship, it can wear you down and seem normal to you.”    Ten signs of verbal abuse:  Know that it’s not your fault, but it’s your responsibility to seek help for yourself.

New date coming up gals?  A great way to feel comfortable is to dress comfortable and wear what you like.  Stiletto’s?  Hell yeah if you can walk the walk, but don’t wear them on a first date if you’ll be hunched over with sore feet in the first hour.  Be yourself, dress like yourself, and enjoy yourself.  You’ll be perfectly perfect.   And if the spark isn’t there, that’s okay….there’s nothing you can do to create true chemistry.  On to the next date….for both of you.