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Getting over the fantasy of dating someone takes a little bit of time, so be compassionate with yourself, and know that your assumptions about how she/he would be to date is exactly that, an assumption. It’s likely you are fantasizing about what you think dating, or marriage, would be like with this person.  Unfortunately she/he doesn’t have the same feelings that you do.  Don’t take the rejection personally.  A split is better happening sooner than later, before you have more emotions and time invested with this person. The sooner you

Dating two different people at the same time for several weeks or months can get tricky after awhile, especially when both of their names are the same!  Mine were named John, and they were first dates out of the divorce gate…no joke….one was a fix-up and the other I met on the golf course.  Now this was years ago when most of us still had a few corded landlines in certain areas of the home, and where it got tricky was when John would call and say “Hi, this is

“Abuse comes in many forms, not all of which are physical. When someone repeatedly uses words to demean, frighten, or control someone, it’s considered verbal abuse.  The trouble is, when you’re involved in a verbally abusive relationship, it can wear you down and seem normal to you.”    Ten signs of verbal abuse:  Know that it’s not your fault, but it’s your responsibility to seek help for yourself.

New date coming up gals?  A great way to feel comfortable is to dress comfortable and wear what you like.  Stiletto’s?  Hell yeah if you can walk the walk, but don’t wear them on a first date if you’ll be hunched over with sore feet in the first hour.  Be yourself, dress like yourself, and enjoy yourself.  You’ll be perfectly perfect.   And if the spark isn’t there, that’s okay….there’s nothing you can do to create true chemistry.  On to the next date….for both of you.

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