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I really don’t watch much TV, but I had it on last week from the nightly news to catch up on the beautiful people and country of Ukraine…and I am praying for their peace. A few hours later I walked by the TV and saw The Bachelor, and thought I should see what’s going on, well, because I’m kinda interested in the dating arena. Classic ending that I could’ve guessed and here’s why: Two women (of  the three left) were very emotionally hurt because they slept with him before they

Take a REAL look at what’s going on in your dating situation. Rather than getting super emotional, #crying #whinning, take a step back and regroup.  Look at what your dating situation really is:  He/She isn’t respecting you or your feelings.  YOU are perfectly perfect and you need to run, not walk, to your Happy Healthy Relationship. This is for guys as well as the ladies. *Note:  If you think you can stay for your own gain, you’re mistaken.  You’re wasting you’re well-being and adding stress to your life.

So…you went through another relationship, ugh.  #breakup  No matter who called this shot, this is a good thing because now you can have the opportunity to find the right person to include in your life. You were probably matched incorrectly, meaning that you weren’t a match from the beginning. This is why we date, to get to know someone’s values and our intimacy stages with them.   If there isn’t an intimate bonding in different ways, then there won’t be a happy, healthy relationship. While dating, you need to spend as

Ladies,  After a few weeks of dating, you don’t hear from him anymore.  OMG, why? Probably because he gave you some good lip service and won’t pull through with his promises. You didn’t hear from him…there’s your answer. Another reason why you shouldn’t be intimate for 2-3 months. #values Protect yourself with your boundaries.

To Ghost or not to Ghost, this is the question. Remember, all is fair in Love & War, but also remember that we are dealing with peoples emotions and feelings, and don’t forget how it feels to be hurt in a dating relationship. Ghosting is OK if you’ve had one date, and just want to leave it at that single date.  You owe the other person nothing, so long as the time spent together was okay, so-so, nothing dramatic. If you’ve been seeing each other longer than 2-3 dates, let

Ever wonder why you keep thinking about your ex all the time…those fond memories?   Our common sense protective instincts that usually protect and serve us in a physical trauma aren’t used when your heart is broken…    When your heart is broken your thoughts go down a different path, heart ache causes such dramatic emotional pain, and even when we are given a very logical reason why that person broke up with us (damn it!) we make up mysteries and other theories when there are none.  We cannot trust what

How do you not take it personally when someone doesn’t want to see you anymore, or when your issues just aren’t on the same page?  Well, look at it this way:  They did you a favor by letting you go so you can find the better match that is for you.  I wanted to say perfect match, but there really isn’t a perfect, although there is a really, really great match for you out there. Ya gotta get through the breakup, whether it’s after two dates or two years, and

A few weeks ago I met up with a friend one evening, I’ll call her Dorothy.  During our catch-up conversation, unexpectedly, she thanked me for being there for her through her divorce a few years ago… how time fly’s!  I said, “Dorothy, I did not do anything!”  Still, she thanked me. Two years prior Dorothy had moved downtown, with 2 dogs, 4 semi-adult children off and thriving in the world, great friends, and the best head of hair!  When she introduced herself to me, Dorothy had tears in her eyes,

Remember that every relationship is different from one person to the next.   And the great thing about dating is that you’re not married so it’s easy to make a sincere exit from your relationship and search for the one for you! I get that it hurts and you’re right that breakups aren’t easy.  The takeaway here is that just because you had different viewpoints and issues with one person doesn’t mean it’ll be same with another.  Take a quick dating break, readjust, get out of your own way, and move

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