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Ladies,  After a few weeks of dating, you don’t hear from him anymore.  OMG, why? Probably because he gave you some good lip service and won’t pull through with his promises. You didn’t hear from him…there’s your answer. Another reason why you shouldn’t be intimate for 2-3 months. #values Protect yourself with your boundaries.

So, you’ve been dating a little while and now you’re wondering what your dates’ intentions are in regards to your dating thing.   I’m calling this a thing because we don’t know what this dating situation is yet.  I always say that honesty is the best policy, and probably the best thing to do is go ahead and ask: “Hey ???, we’ve been going out awhile now, and I’ve been having a nice time hanging out with you (and everything).  I was just wondering how you feel about ‘us’ so far

“I cannot find a person (man or woman) that respects me!   What’s wrong with people in todays world?”   I hear this from both men and women, so I use the phrase “person”. The tough truth is that you attract this type of person because, most likely, you don’t respect yourself and they pick up on this.  Yep, you’re with this person and anyone that respects themselves would simply walk away, not stay and wonder why…’re responsible for yourself. Set your criteria, (#values) don’t waiver, but your actions have to follow

Here are a few texting mistakes to avoid if you’ve recently met someone: Keep you text messages short but sweet to keep from being overbearing. If you are the one keeping the texting conversation going, then the other person probably isn’t as interested.  Slow down and see what happens. Checking in is okay with a client, but not with your newly met man.  If he’s interested he’ll be checking in with you.  If men want to be there, they will be there.  It’s all about their biological pursuit. Do acknowledge

Through personal dating and relationship experience, research, (yes, directly with people) and development, I now have the 6 week session of dating information which will add value to your dating life and help you dodge a big bullet later on in your life. This is designed to get you ready for the time, unexpected or expected, that you bump into your Match.  You gotta be ready! After this 6 week dating for a relationship course, you will be less shy, have naturally more self dating confidence, and be less weary

Okay, so I was in Miami with my son and his ‘crew’ driving downtown, awaiting a red light, and vavoom!  Crossing the street comes a braless wonder in a tight cropped tee, and the guys are like wow…wait…wow? Somethings wrong there….what? The motherly instinct kicked in and I thought it would be in their best interest to educate at the sake of embarrassing anyone.  After three children, nothing phases me. Breast Petals! They’re like what?  Yep, silicone patches that women place on their breasts so nipples won’t show.  We all

To Ghost or not to Ghost, this is the question. Remember, all is fair in Love & War, but also remember that we are dealing with peoples emotions and feelings, and don’t forget how it feels to be hurt in a dating relationship. Ghosting is OK if you’ve had one date, and just want to leave it at that single date.  You owe the other person nothing, so long as the time spent together was okay, so-so, nothing dramatic. If you’ve been seeing each other longer than 2-3 dates, let

All women want the nice, good guy.  And I say all women, because who wants to be treated like crap by the bad guy?  Respectfully, no one in their right mind. Instinctually, women are attracted to the protector, the guy that will physically, and hopefully, be able to protect the female and the family, and not coward the other way leaving the family to take on it’s attacker in the jungle.  I have my personal opinion about the guy that comes in strong beating his chest like the amazon man….that’s a

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