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While wrapping a present and tying a casual (imperfect) bow, I thought about a memory years ago…it’s amazing how an emotion can come back to us from a small but grand gesture!  I was dating a man, business oriented which is what jives with my personality, and as I got to know him better I found he was unafraid to show his emotions and very creative, but you’d never know this if you weren’t close to him.  Close friends and family thought we’d marry some day, and to this day

Are friends and family telling you that you’re too picky because you’re not dating or  because you can’t find your person?  Dating Rule #007:  Don’t listen to other peoples negative opinions.  Whether you want the prince or the hooker, do what your inner self is telling you. Hold tight to your standards and don’t give them up.  Your person will come in front of you at some point, making the journey well worth the wait.  You’re the cherry on the top of that tree…why spend time with someone picking up

So you’ve been dating a few months, everything’s going quite well, and now you’re invited to go on a trip, spending a weekend together….togetherness! Nervous?  That’s perfectly normal, and I’m sure you’re partner feels exactly the same.   Nervous, excited, anxious for the feelings and positive vibes you two will be creating together during the next few days.  Ah, the bliss of a new relationship. So here you are the evening before, packing your bag and nervously wishing you could take the whole closet.   What are you going to do? Tomorrow morning

How do you not take it personally when someone doesn’t want to see you anymore, or when your issues just aren’t on the same page?  Well, look at it this way:  They did you a favor by letting you go so you can find the better match that is for you.  I wanted to say perfect match, but there really isn’t a perfect, although there is a really, really great match for you out there. Ya gotta get through the breakup, whether it’s after two dates or two years, and

Ladies, and I mean married, single, as well as in a relationship:  Give the guy a break! Men a women’s minds have different conceptions of love, lust, and relationship communications.  Your man isn’t perfect and either are you.  Guys are guys, and quite frankly, (generally speaking) I find their simple to the point mind refreshing. Simply enjoy the view when they’re flipping the meat on the grill. So if you’re expecting a fairytale Valentine’s Day, birthday celebration, or life with your man, you may want to get some basic professional

I didn’t really know what to write this morning, and nothing is fine by me.  Zella didn’t want to go for a walk….very rare.  So here I am humming to Desperado during my morning off routine: Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses? Come down from your fences, open the gate It may be rainin’, but there’s a rainbow above you You better let somebody love you Let somebody love you You better let somebody love you before it’s too late #Eagles    

Yesterday morning I ran into KK (fictitious name) while walking my dog, Zella.  Our dogs are best buds….so cute!  KK was so excited because she met a man via mutual work associates and have been dating for a few months.  KK said  “Judy, we can just sit on the sofa and kiss for hours!”  Well, I have to comment when it comes to dating.  “Seriously KK this happens at every age.  It’s like puppy love and lust and love can happen in your 70’s just like in your teens!”  KK

Remember that every relationship is different from one person to the next.   And the great thing about dating is that you’re not married so it’s easy to make a sincere exit from your relationship and search for the one for you! I get that it hurts and you’re right that breakups aren’t easy.  The takeaway here is that just because you had different viewpoints and issues with one person doesn’t mean it’ll be same with another.  Take a quick dating break, readjust, get out of your own way, and move

Dating and not getting anywhere?  Stop, and take a year or so off from seeing anyone romantically. Make friends with folks you normally wouldn’t.  Try different experiences alone or with others.  Get comfortable by yourself and know yourself better.  Regroup yourself and get back to that great base person that you truly are. Now after your break from dating, see the types of person you attract and who you’re attracted to.  I bet they’ll be more compatible to the person you truly are. The whole point here is to find

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