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We’ve all been there, and almost every relationship gets settled which creates predictability or #dull.  Do away with the predictability, be spontaneous, this means you married ladies, too!  Do something unpredictable after dinner, like a game of chess rather than just watching TV.  Walk down the street and share an ice cream, go bowling or to a movie, try an axe throwing bar, anything to keep your relationship engaged and active! Stimulate his brain by bringing up a topic that you normally don’t discuss.  Triggering the brain awakens the brains

We’re all going through some type of isolation now.  Maybe it’s working from home, cancelled sporting events (Steelers fan here!), shorter shopping trips (can’t wait to flip that mask),  lack of travel and vacations.  We’re going to have to be creative, which is why so many humans changed residences and got new Covid puppies!   The amount of truly nice people I’ve met because of Zella (dog) is incredible….#manmagnet. Single and not in a relationship?  Yikes! this is a tough one with finding a new relationship if everything is shut down

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