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I really don’t watch much TV, but I had it on last week from the nightly news to catch up on the beautiful people and country of Ukraine…and I am praying for their peace. A few hours later I walked by the TV and saw The Bachelor, and thought I should see what’s going on, well, because I’m kinda interested in the dating arena. Classic ending that I could’ve guessed and here’s why: Two women (of  the three left) were very emotionally hurt because they slept with him before they

Your partner really needs to feel needed.  Why?  Because it’s a great feeling for them and your partner will feel more attraction for you! So ladies (or men), ask for some help.  “Hey, can you pump my bicycle tire….pleeeease? I can’t get the cap off the valve.”  This is the one time it’s OK to fake it ladies. 🙂    

So…you went through another relationship, ugh.  #breakup  No matter who called this shot, this is a good thing because now you can have the opportunity to find the right person to include in your life. You were probably matched incorrectly, meaning that you weren’t a match from the beginning. This is why we date, to get to know someone’s values and our intimacy stages with them.   If there isn’t an intimate bonding in different ways, then there won’t be a happy, healthy relationship. While dating, you need to spend as

So, you’ve been dating a little while and now you’re wondering what your dates’ intentions are in regards to your dating thing.   I’m calling this a thing because we don’t know what this dating situation is yet.  I always say that honesty is the best policy, and probably the best thing to do is go ahead and ask: “Hey ???, we’ve been going out awhile now, and I’ve been having a nice time hanging out with you (and everything).  I was just wondering how you feel about ‘us’ so far

Grab your sweetie pie by the waste and do an unexpected twirl around the kitchen while you’re cooking together and listening to this innocently, romantic song by Charlie Puth & Meghan Trainor! What a great way to attract your partners attention and forget about life’s pressures, or whatever has delayed our intimacy in our relationships. Go ahead, put on the vinyl, and feel the magic!

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