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Mental Health

So you’ve been dating a few months, everything’s going quite well, and now you’re invited to go on a trip, spending a weekend together….togetherness! Nervous?  That’s perfectly normal, and I’m sure you’re partner feels exactly the same.   Nervous, excited, anxious for the feelings and positive vibes you two will be creating together during the next few days.  Ah, the bliss of a new relationship. So here you are the evening before, packing your bag and nervously wishing you could take the whole closet.   What are you going to do? Tomorrow morning

How do you not take it personally when someone doesn’t want to see you anymore, or when your issues just aren’t on the same page?  Well, look at it this way:  They did you a favor by letting you go so you can find the better match that is for you.  I wanted to say perfect match, but there really isn’t a perfect, although there is a really, really great match for you out there. Ya gotta get through the breakup, whether it’s after two dates or two years, and

A few weeks ago I met up with a friend one evening, I’ll call her Dorothy.  During our catch-up conversation, unexpectedly, she thanked me for being there for her through her divorce a few years ago… how time fly’s!  I said, “Dorothy, I did not do anything!”  Still, she thanked me. Two years prior Dorothy had moved downtown, with 2 dogs, 4 semi-adult children off and thriving in the world, great friends, and the best head of hair!  When she introduced herself to me, Dorothy had tears in her eyes,

Remember that every relationship is different from one person to the next.   And the great thing about dating is that you’re not married so it’s easy to make a sincere exit from your relationship and search for the one for you! I get that it hurts and you’re right that breakups aren’t easy.  The takeaway here is that just because you had different viewpoints and issues with one person doesn’t mean it’ll be same with another.  Take a quick dating break, readjust, get out of your own way, and move

Dating and not getting anywhere?  Stop, and take a year or so off from seeing anyone romantically. Make friends with folks you normally wouldn’t.  Try different experiences alone or with others.  Get comfortable by yourself and know yourself better.  Regroup yourself and get back to that great base person that you truly are. Now after your break from dating, see the types of person you attract and who you’re attracted to.  I bet they’ll be more compatible to the person you truly are. The whole point here is to find

Hey guys, when meeting your first date at a venue be sure to be there before her, or at least within minutes of the agreed upon time.  Traffic?  Couldn’t find the other sock?  Mom called?  There is no excuse.  The lady shouldn’t have to wait there by herself, and you never know who she could meet while waiting for your scrumptious buttocks.  Game on! Married men, be there on time for your wives, this shows you care and is very good foreplay for what’s to come.

You gotta think about why you’re dating.  Stop.  Think.  Why? Are you filling up your time with date after date because you’re afraid to be alone (Captain Crunch) or simply can’t find the right long termer (Wheaties)? A few years ago I was listening to Jenny McCarthy on XM radio.  She’s the best…funny as heck and as smart as my Rhodesian Ridgeback, Zella, well almost.  Jenny hides her smarts behind her comedic personality, the glossed locks and beautiful skin, and guys I don’t even have to mention her BOOBS, and

What’s the best way to meet the person of your dreams?   On-line dating or through a friend? Online, you don’t know this person but with resources today you can do your due diligence. So, your soccer mom friends know a man/woman from a different league and think you’re both nice people and should meet?  Sure, go ahead but treat this like an online date.  Eyes wide open, because your friends really don’t know this person or their working brain.  Don’t trust him/her just because your friends know this person.  Ask

Ready to invest in dating?   This investment is your time, not your money. Realistically, are you able to free up a part of your schedule in the beginning to get to know this new potential partner? Realistically, you’re going to need to free more time during the entire dating process.  And, dating is a numbers game depending on the experience of the dater.  You’ll most likely spend a few months together and happily hop your own ways, dating some more to find your life partner, or dating for what other

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