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I’ve seen this over and over again, and I was reminded again…..ugh….not in my personal life, for the record only.  One of the greatest ways to kill romance, or any chance of romance in your relationship, is to leave a mess in your home for your partner to live with and clean up after. And while I’d like to say that you are simply a slob and don’t know any better, I’m calling your B.S.  You’re an adult, get your crap together or get out. This passive aggressive move is

“Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”  While this phrase can be depicted in many ways, both positive and negative/derogatory, this is my dating insight blog goof ball, so let’s take a quick dive my way! Beauty does come from within, and while dating, some people will think you’re beautiful and some will not.  Yes, they will not think you’re the most beautiful or handsome person and you will need to get past this truth.  So, guys and gals of all ages when you’re getting ready for your date,

In a relationship do you have a ball & chain or are YOU the ball & chain?  I see this happening many, many times in a relationship.  In the beginning stages of dating, usually both people begin the relationship with an independent life and attitude.  And as time goes on, one of the two people slowly makes sacrifices in their own life to spend more time with their new partner.  What happens?  Their daily routine follows their partners schedule, and before they know it, Voila!  Now, not only do they lose a sense

Did you ever wonder why sex can be great one day, really great (!) another day, so-so (ok, I’ll take it) another day, and what’s happening to me another day?! My juju estimation is that sexual satisfaction #reachinganorgasm, is 90% mental, for both males and females.  Relaxation and chemistry can provide some really great romps in the hay.  Guys and gals this is why the drive home, or a walk with the dog, is so important after a long day of work.  And there’s a reason why foreplay can be

What if everything you’ve gone through in dating, relationships, or marriage, are preparing you for what you’ve been asking for?  This inspired me because today I was thinking about someone that had a recent breakup and now seems to be past his rough patch and in great spirits!  Awesomeness is always around the corner if you let it be. Maybe this is why we date multiple people before we find the one we want to settle down with….the process of elimination, and not knowing what we need but finding out

Remember that phrase from your younger years, and if you’re lucky enough to be blessed with children, are your kids using this phrase?  I remember the one time I was caught in a lie as a child, I let the hamster out of the cage to run around the room and voila,  he disappeared.  There weren’t any of my three siblings around, and of course they wouldn’t take the blame anyway.  Yup, caught in a lie and for me as a child this was traumatic.  I didn’t get spanked or

While wrapping a present and tying a casual (imperfect) bow, I thought about a memory years ago…it’s amazing how an emotion can come back to us from a small but grand gesture!  I was dating a man, business oriented which is what jives with my personality, and as I got to know him better I found he was unafraid to show his emotions and very creative, but you’d never know this if you weren’t close to him.  Close friends and family thought we’d marry some day, and to this day

Are friends and family telling you that you’re too picky because you’re not dating or  because you can’t find your person?  Dating Rule #007:  Don’t listen to other peoples negative opinions.  Whether you want the prince or the hooker, do what your inner self is telling you. Hold tight to your standards and don’t give them up.  Your person will come in front of you at some point, making the journey well worth the wait.  You’re the cherry on the top of that tree…why spend time with someone picking up

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