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  Only YOU can prevent wild fires! Visiting San Diego for a few days, and of course I’m excited to be outside on my laptop, which unfortunately is collecting ash from the most recent fire.  Eight people lost lives at this moment, animals with nowhere to go, people fleeing their homes. We are all responsible for our actions. Prevent Forest Fires.

Love them not because I have three of them, but because Millennials see our world in such a new way. I can’t wait to see what they do with our World! Many of our World problems come from previous generations, of which the Millennials will need to dig us out, unfortunately.

My holistic chiropractor 0nce told me to walk barefoot in the grass to stay connected to earth and myself. No can do in the dog walking city park I walk daily, but think about this, animals always have their instinct, as do young children, before society gets a hold of them. Personally, I need to be outdoors daily, so a dog fits very well into my lifestyle, and I truly think that my dog walking and dog biking has helped me naturally adjust to this Covid world we are in

The old cliché’ don’t judge a book by its cover holds true. Here is a good true example story: I’ll name her Jenny. Jenny wanted to find the PERFECT GUY for her: Handsome, Nice, Heroic, Wealthy. C’mon Jenny…there is no such thang!!! She lived in a so-so apartment building. Jenny had blind dates via friends, dated semi-workers, and used may dating sites. Exhausted she, she gave up. During the past year, Jenny said hi to the guys in jeans and t-shirts coming in and out of the apartment down the

Love, love, love, this tune by the Black Eyed Peas in 2003. So very fitting now with Covid, BLM, and who knows what else is coming to Jumanji the World, and my crystal ball (intuition) is that this is only the beginning of our world’s changes. Be ready to adapt, be flexible, and take care of thy self, thy friends, and thy neighbors. “Father, father, father help us Send some guidance from above ‘Cause people got me, got me Questioning where is the love…

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