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Ladies, before you’ve met in person, and if he’s treating you like the stranger that you are, there should be no kissy face emoji, love texting, texting how beautiful that you are, etc.  There should be no flirtation. If he is, then he’s a fake.  There should be no show or illusion of intimacy You’ve not met yet and there is no chemistry, no concrete commonality, or true attraction.  He should be polite and want to meet with you, be in the moment, and experience the person that you are.

This is in a first date courting situation: A high value man who has empathy will understand that after a date, IF the woman likes him, that she’ll be worried that he doesn’t like her if she doesn’t hear from him.  The high value man won’t want the woman to worry. Also, a high value man will text first if he’s a gentleman and was raised correctly. Is he a high value man?  

Okay, so when you first meet someone you’re considering romantically…especially if you haven’t met in person: DON’T spend time texting to try and get to know them. DO text to plan a time to meet.  That’s it, done… until you meet. DON’T have a dinner date first, do a coffee shop, an ice cream walking around (watching how good they can use that tongue), or a happy hour. If you feel like you want to get to know them a little more before you meet, then speak on the phone. 

So…you went through another relationship, ugh.  #breakup  No matter who called this shot, this is a good thing because now you can have the opportunity to find the right person to include in your life. You were probably matched incorrectly, meaning that you weren’t a match from the beginning. This is why we date, to get to know someone’s values and our intimacy stages with them.   If there isn’t an intimate bonding in different ways, then there won’t be a happy, healthy relationship. While dating, you need to spend as

Ladies, don’t worry about your date slowing down on his “jive” after awhile, and here’s why! Men typically talk more during the period of the first few dates than ever.  They are telling you all about themselves, kind of like discussing their resume of “who they are by sharing what they think, feel, and value.  Once a man gets the job (you) and he is exclusive, there’s no longer any reason to keep talking.” Talking has served it’s purpose.  Now that they know each other….and this is after a few

So, you’ve been dating a little while and now you’re wondering what your dates’ intentions are in regards to your dating thing.   I’m calling this a thing because we don’t know what this dating situation is yet.  I always say that honesty is the best policy, and probably the best thing to do is go ahead and ask: “Hey ???, we’ve been going out awhile now, and I’ve been having a nice time hanging out with you (and everything).  I was just wondering how you feel about ‘us’ so far

“I cannot find a person (man or woman) that respects me!   What’s wrong with people in todays world?”   I hear this from both men and women, so I use the phrase “person”. The tough truth is that you attract this type of person because, most likely, you don’t respect yourself and they pick up on this.  Yep, you’re with this person and anyone that respects themselves would simply walk away, not stay and wonder why…’re responsible for yourself. Set your criteria, (#values) don’t waiver, but your actions have to follow