We’re all going through some type of isolation now.  Maybe it’s working from home, cancelled sporting events (Steelers fan here!), shorter shopping trips (can’t wait to flip that mask),  lack of travel and vacations.  We’re going to have to be creative, which is why so many humans changed residences and got new Covid puppies!   The amount of truly nice people I’ve met because of Zella (dog) is incredible….#manmagnet.

Single and not in a relationship?  Yikes! this is a tough one with finding a new relationship if everything is shut down for four weeks, unless you want to be single and free. 🙂    Here’s where you’ll need to be creative.  Get outside, make a huge effort to talk to people….just start by a smile and say hello. You’ll be amazed who you may meet and they want to meet you!  There’s the online thing, and while it’s not for everyone, it may be worth a peak in your spare time.

And now you’ve met someone and want to explore a relationship, great!  Depending on their daily lifestyle of social distancing, go ahead and date!  Get updated Covid tests or not, and enjoy each others company, explore the outdoors, cook together, take a road trip, foreplay and sex (when ready)!  Just do it!

Life’s changed as we speak, and it’s perfectly perfect to move forward with life during these odd times.  Be yourself, be honest, and let the date go the way it’s supposed to without huge expectations.


Judy Sekinger
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