Moving towards exclusivity

Ladies, don’t worry about your date slowing down on his “jive” after awhile, and here’s why!

Men typically talk more during the period of the first few dates than ever.  They are telling you all about themselves, kind of like discussing their resume of “who they are by sharing what they think, feel, and value.  Once a man gets the job (you) and he is exclusive, there’s no longer any reason to keep talking.”

Talking has served it’s purpose.  Now that they know each other….and this is after a few months of courting…the couple can get on with doing things together and experiencing life.

And this is according to John Gray, Ph.D., that a man decides on the third date if he is going to go exclusive or not, even though this doesn’t happen for awhile.

And ladies, this can go your way too!  I’ve always had the fourth date rule, just to give us a fair chance to see if there was anything special and would this opportunity of being a couple logically make sense.



Judy Sekinger
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