Don’t act like you haven’t been there… 7 am with the bed hair Everyone knows it’s the walkashame American singer-songwriter Meghan Trainor, gotta luv her!  Early congrats to Meghan and husband Daryl Sabara on expecting their first child together. Oh my god, I put my pants on inside out I couldn’t tell cause the lights were out I beat the sunrise again, oh oh oh Neighbors stare, I smile and wave cause I just don’t care They’re probably jealous of my sexy hair And the heels in my hands Well

Is dating the life of the party a bad idea?  The life of the party (LOTP) always looks good physically, is exciting, and happy.  The LOTP most likely has great social skills, impresses family members well, craves social interaction with groups, and is emotionally appealing on the surface. The downside of the LOTP is that they are on full speed ahead while in public, and not many people have the energy to keep up at this pace during all their waking hours.  The LOTP is most likely more introverted at

Getting over the fantasy of dating someone takes a little bit of time, so be compassionate with yourself, and know that your assumptions about how she/he would be to date is exactly that, an assumption. It’s likely you are fantasizing about what you think dating, or marriage, would be like with this person.  Unfortunately she/he doesn’t have the same feelings that you do.  Don’t take the rejection personally.  A split is better happening sooner than later, before you have more emotions and time invested with this person. The sooner you

People react to freely given advice from another person in different ways.  Some receivers unknowingly conform to the verbal limits bestowed upon them and others rebel the negative comment and push harder to achieve their goals with higher results.  Which person do you want to be?  Stay away #rundontwalk from anyone negatively effecting your life personally and professionally.  I can promise you that you are better off by yourself. Are you limiting your dreams by limiting your beliefs?   Let’s suppose you want to increase your income from five figures to six

Dating two different people at the same time for several weeks or months can get tricky after awhile, especially when both of their names are the same!  Mine were named John, and they were first dates out of the divorce gate…no joke….one was a fix-up and the other I met on the golf course.  Now this was years ago when most of us still had a few corded landlines in certain areas of the home, and where it got tricky was when John would call and say “Hi, this is

A great explanation via Ann Landers, without a full blown history lesson: Socialism: You have two cows.  Give one to your neighbor. Communism: You have two cows.  Give both cows to the government, and they may give you some of the milk. Fascism: You have two cows.  You give all the milk to the government, and the government sells it. Nazism: You have two cows.  The government shoots you, and takes both cows. Anarchism: You have two cows.  Keep both of the cows, shoot the government agent and steal another cow. Capitalism:

I’m referring to that strong chemistry that you feel when you meet someone for the first time: Soul Mate level.  Not “oh, he’s/she’s cute, handsome, or wanna take his pants off” feeling.  The powerful connection that when you look at him/her you see right through the baby-blues (or browns) deep into the soul connection, and it’s reciprocal!  The feeling doesn’t leave for months.  I’ve had it twice, but both never grew due to circumstances.  Your story?

So, you keep bumping into her….go ahead…ask for her number!?!   Yaaass   This could be the beginning of a really great thing, and I’m not talking about the two of you.  She didn’t respond to your text but she was definitely honored by your moves.  FREEING!   You got this buddy, and just raised your confidence up a notch, not to mention no more time-wasting wondering if she likes you.  (I am officially designating “time-wasting” a residual dating thing)  The first time is always the hardest.  Now you’re ready for the next. 

Walk the dog though the park or scroll on-line , and you may meet someone that catches your eye….ZING!  It’s certainly possible to meet a few times while keeping your distance, just to see if there’s chemistry between you two.  This is really all you should be doing during your first meet-up. Within 1-2 meet-ups you should discuss distancing and know….  And if there’s a connection then go ahead and begin connecting.  Humans are made for intimacy and partnerships.  You got this!!

“Abuse comes in many forms, not all of which are physical. When someone repeatedly uses words to demean, frighten, or control someone, it’s considered verbal abuse.  The trouble is, when you’re involved in a verbally abusive relationship, it can wear you down and seem normal to you.”    Ten signs of verbal abuse:  Know that it’s not your fault, but it’s your responsibility to seek help for yourself.

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