Relationship Matters…Covid’s Only an Excuse

Your bored, lonely feeling may just simply be boredom if your married or in a relationship.

Behave like your newly dating and you’ll be surprised by the results of your interactions with each other!  Shower, style your hair, put real clothes on…get out of those daily grubs.  Ladies, remember how you prepped for your man before he picked you up?  I’ll bet your look and smell was sweet!  Men notice, and you’ll see a difference in interaction.   Men? Yup, we’re talking you too!!  Shower and put on a shirt and dazzle those baby blues or alluring browns.  Flowers are a great inexpensive way to show her that you’ve been thinking about her.

Look at each other, really look at each other in the eyes, and reminisce about the beginning of your relationship, how you both met for the first time, fun times you’ve had, and make some new plans together!

Send a compliment his way ladies!  Men feel different types of responsibilities in a relationship resulting in an altered confidence level.  Men, lighten her load by taking a single task off her list for a day.

Foreplay your way to romance…have sex anywhere but where you’re always doing it.  No need to go all the way.  Save some fun for later. 🙂

Relationships matter.

Judy Sekinger
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