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Ladies, don’t worry about your date slowing down on his “jive” after awhile, and here’s why! Men typically talk more during the period of the first few dates than ever.  They are telling you all about themselves, kind of like discussing their resume of “who they are by sharing what they think, feel, and value.  Once a man gets the job (you) and he is exclusive, there’s no longer any reason to keep talking.” Talking has served it’s purpose.  Now that they know each other….and this is after a few

Ladies,  After a few weeks of dating, you don’t hear from him anymore.  OMG, why? Probably because he gave you some good lip service and won’t pull through with his promises. You didn’t hear from him…there’s your answer. Another reason why you shouldn’t be intimate for 2-3 months. #values Protect yourself with your boundaries.

So, you’ve been dating a little while and now you’re wondering what your dates’ intentions are in regards to your dating thing.   I’m calling this a thing because we don’t know what this dating situation is yet.  I always say that honesty is the best policy, and probably the best thing to do is go ahead and ask: “Hey ???, we’ve been going out awhile now, and I’ve been having a nice time hanging out with you (and everything).  I was just wondering how you feel about ‘us’ so far

“I cannot find a person (man or woman) that respects me!   What’s wrong with people in todays world?”   I hear this from both men and women, so I use the phrase “person”. The tough truth is that you attract this type of person because, most likely, you don’t respect yourself and they pick up on this.  Yep, you’re with this person and anyone that respects themselves would simply walk away, not stay and wonder why…’re responsible for yourself. Set your criteria, (#values) don’t waiver, but your actions have to follow

Ever wonder why you keep thinking about your ex all the time…those fond memories?   Our common sense protective instincts that usually protect and serve us in a physical trauma aren’t used when your heart is broken…    When your heart is broken your thoughts go down a different path, heart ache causes such dramatic emotional pain, and even when we are given a very logical reason why that person broke up with us (damn it!) we make up mysteries and other theories when there are none.  We cannot trust what

Ladies, and I mean married, single, as well as in a relationship:  Give the guy a break! Men a women’s minds have different conceptions of love, lust, and relationship communications.  Your man isn’t perfect and either are you.  Guys are guys, and quite frankly, (generally speaking) I find their simple to the point mind refreshing. Simply enjoy the view when they’re flipping the meat on the grill. So if you’re expecting a fairytale Valentine’s Day, birthday celebration, or life with your man, you may want to get some basic professional

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